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Gunpowder, 2017

What's it about?

Set in the early 17th century Britain during the reign of James I of England, it follows the story of Robert Catesby, Guy Fawkes and their fellow Catholic radicals who plot to blow up the parliament on November 5th.

Why watch it?

If you don't know much about the Gunpowder Plot; if you enjoy dark period drama and are ok with graphic portrayal of torture; for a high quality, interesting mini-series; if you like Kit Harrington in costume drama.



6,7 on IMDb

72% on Rotten Tomatoes

Critics Reception

The main criticism of the series that it is unnecessarily violent - unlike Game of Thrones, which did shock the audience with graphic portrayal of death and torture, Gunpowder doesn't create the same effect. Most of the critics don't appreciate the execution scene in the very first episode but point out good acting, enough historical details and in general high production values.


'Gunpowder': TV Review, The Hollywood Reporter

Gunpowder: Review, Historia Magazine


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HistoricaDrama blog is dedicated to films & tv series of historical period drama genre. It includes reviews of favourite films, analysis of critics' reception, historical inaccuracies and liberties filmmakers take when adapting history to screen. 

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