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The Bookshop, 2017

Updated: Oct 20, 2018

What's it about?

Set in mid 20th century and based on Penelope Fitzgerald's novel The Bookshop, it follows the story of the widow Florence Green who decides to open a bookshop in a small English town against the wishes of the influential members of the gentry.

Why watch it?

If you're a book lover; for BRITISHNESS OVERLOAD; if you appreciate British films; for a touching underdog story.



6,5 on IMDb

54% on Rotten Tomatoes

Critics Reception

Despite the great actors and a very 'deep topic' setting, the film has received mostly negative reviews - or slightly confused reviewers. Some blame the Spanish director for not being entirely accurate about the accents and mannerisms (characters being way too polite) and some point out the unstable pacing of the film. Some criticise the use of narrating voiceover, while others (like Variety critic) praise the decision to use it. Pretty much all of the critics aren't sure what to make of it.


The Bookshop, Roger Ebert


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