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The Edge of Love, 2008

What's it about?

Set in 1940 and supposedly based on the life of Welsh poet Dylan Thomas - the story explores his relationships with his feisty wife and his old flame from when they were teenagers.

Why watch it?

If you're a Keira Knightley in period drama fan; if you enjoy stylized films; if you like films set during WWII - but not focused on the war itself; if you're curious about the poet Dylan Thomas and his portrayal on screen; if you're not a 'historical accuracy' snob; for really good performances from actors; for a four-way relationship dynamic with the women sleeping with everyone involved.



6,3 on IMDb

36% on Rotten Tomatoes

Critics Reception

Pretty much every reviewer would speak of the film as underwhelming. Despite the brilliant cast and playing with a love story that likely didn't happen, but is still intriguing, the film doesn't really offer much else. Its main selling point is Keira Knightley and Sienna Miller as lead heroines - and they are often praised for their brilliant performances in this film.


The Edge of Love, Slant Magazine

The Edge of Love, The Independent


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HistoricaDrama blog is dedicated to films & tv series of historical period drama genre. It includes reviews of favourite films, analysis of critics' reception, historical inaccuracies and liberties filmmakers take when adapting history to screen. 

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